Transaction Center & VPOS Support

View/Edit MIDs/TIDs

Selecting this option will pull up a search for MIDs/TIDs on the account. Any desired fields may be entered to narrow the search results. Leaving all the fields blank and clicking "Search" will pull up all the MIDs/TIDs added to the account.

Modify MIDs/TIDs

When you have found the MID/TID you are looking to modify you will notice there are a few attributes you can modify.

  • Description: This is the description of the account that appears next to the MID when logging in. Descriptions provide an easy way to identify the account.
  • GL code: This is for general ledger codes that are used for your business to identify the account. Setting a GL code does not affect the Transaction Center anywhere else; this is just a quick way to set a GL code for a merchant account if this is beneficial to you. You'd have to look up the GL code in 'View Edit MIDs/TIDs' if you needed to reference it.
  • -Label: Use this if it is helpful to group multiple MIDs/TIDs by a set label.
  • Events: Gives you the ability to appoint specific events related to this MID/TID.
  • Swiper Type: If this is a retail account, setting this will ensure that the Transaction center knows what type of swipe is being used. This option is typically not set by default. If you are using one of our supported swipers then a swipe should work without needing to adjust settings here.

Please note that if you would like tech support to unlock your user in the event that they lock themselves out you have to check off "Allow Unlock" and set their security code.

Edit MIDs/Tids

Article written by Patrick P.